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11 Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

8. Scalp Psoriasis | Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

Some people face the issue of plaque psoriasis in which the scalp become itchy and, in some cases, even painful which results to the damage of scalp and hair loss.

9. Scarring Alopecia

Scarring alopecia is actually the permanent destruction of hair follicles. It develops due to the inflammation of the scalp and once hair follicles destroyed cannot grow again. The medical term for this condition is called cicatricial alopecia.

10. STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) | Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

The infections left untreated such as HIVs, chlamydia, gonorrhea have treatments that may cause a temporary hair loss. Untreated, syphilis can cause patchy hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, and elsewhere.

11. Taking Not Enough Biotin | Iron | Protein | or Zinc | Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

When ones is not getting enough amount of biotin, iron, protein or zinc routinely then it leads to a noticeable hair loss.

12. Thyroid disease | Reason of Hair Fall in Males Females: What Hormone Causes of Hair Loss Pattern Baldness in Teenage | Loosing Hair As A Teenager

Hair loss may occur in both male and female due to Severe and prolonged hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. This loss effects the entire scalp rather than the discrete areas. some people notice their hair loss in a very early stage.

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