Delivery charges for orders from the web shop?

Free delivery if you order online. If the order is returned then Rs. 300 will be charged whenever you order

How to get my order and how much time require for delivery?

Delivery time depends on the city. If the order belongs to major cities then delivery time is 2-3 working days via TCS. If belongs to the surroundings then the order may take 6-7 working days.

Account creation necessary to place order?

Please click here. Now click on the forgot password, an email will send to you for password creation. Just create password and again use your eamil id and password to login.

How to place an order?

Just add them cart the product and click on Proceed to Checkout. Fill out the form with complete details. Because of incomplete detail’s order will cancelled. Lastly, click on the Place Order. Here you will get order no. so please save this. An email was also sent on the given email address.

Are you accepting order on Phone Call, Facebook Messenge or Whatsapp?

Yes, we accept orders on Facebook or WhatsApp and the customer will note down all details that will be asked by the online agent. 

If I want to change in my order then what will be the method?

Just contact us on Facebook or WhatsApp. Facebook and WhatsApp chat are available 24/7. Just provide order no. and ask to change whatever you want. Order changes may take 20-30 minutes so please cooperate with the agent.

If I want to return the order then what will be the method?

If you receive a wrong item, leaked or damaged product. Then immediately contact at WhatsApp or Facebook and share images.

An active agent will process your claim request and the claim approved immediately. We don’t accept change of mind or fake returns or claims. 

We work through each perspective at the preparation


Which currency you accept and what will be the method to pay?

We are delivering across Pakistan in Cash on Delivery. If a customer, want’s to pay advance then he/ she ask for Bank details by contacting us at Whatsapp 0334-4445283 or Facebook. 

Is there any charges if we pay via Bank?

There is no bank charges charged by us. 

What is the method to remove my personal details and is it safe?

If you want to remove your details then please contact us and we will remove without any argument. However, all details are safe and you may redirect to the Privacy Policy.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Yes you can change or cancel it as you placed your order. After dispatch there is no way to make any change.

What is ``package tracking`` in my orders?

Every customer get a tracking no. via message and you can track on the concerned company's website.